About Us

Beard•Balm•Bros has been created to bring to you a product that is tailored just for you. Nothing unidentifiable, no unnatural things in there.

The Beard Oils, Balms and Butters all come from natural ingredients: coconut oil, shea butter, amla oil, sweet almond, you name it. All started because I just couldn’t find something to fit my needs. I needed something that could help condition my beard, and repair that annoying split ends, so I did plenty (and I mean plenty) of research to figure out how to combat this issue, and these oils and balms are the outcomes of said research.

Not only am I doing these beard products, but I am also diving into the hair product game. In April of 2017, I developed a giant bald spot on the back of my head due to alopecia. I decided that I wouldn’t pay mind to it, and just roll with the look, but the all of the people who would comment and make me feel super self-conscious about it, made me change my mind. I started with Rogaine, and Minoxidil, using that on my head from September to December, giving it the 3 months to “show results”. Those three months just showed me that the product wasn’t working on my noggin! So I took matters into my own hands. I looked into some essential oils that could help promote hair growth and stimulate the scalp, and mixed them all together, to create a hair oil that cured my alopecia, in one month. Now, of course, results vary, but come on, totally worth trying for a couple bucks!

We love our customers and welcome your feedback and suggestions. Use our Contact Us page to tell us what we’re doing right or what we can improve on.